Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sculpture Poetry with Sandy Frank

In spring of 2009, sculptor Sandy Frank and I started playing with the notion of putting poems on sculptures. I gave her a handful of poems and here's what she sculpted. Visit my website, specifically, Collaborations for Bread, to see her artwork side by side with corresponding poems: Someone (about an ethereal dream lover you might encounter between waking and sleeping), The Painter's Wife (about the opposite: a physical plane lover, in this case, a painter, a husband). We wrap for now with the sculptures for a trio of poems out in circulation: Querent, Seer, Selke...so we only showcase the sculptures for two of the poems....but...more to come.
And I want to extend the collaboration...by reversing the process, so here's my promise to Sandy...to write new poems based on her existing sculptures. We will post as we go. Further, I'd love to discover other work by poets and sculptors along similar lines; so please, in comments, add your links to work you are doing yourself or that of other artists you enjoy.
Someone originally published by Coe Review Press, 1996.
The Painter's Wife originally published by Line Break, 2009.


  1. Interesting concept. The sculptures produced are very interesting. Unlike some artists, I like merging art forms. I think it brings new life to them.

  2. Grace, thanks for your comment and especially for viewing the work. Your site is beautiful...love the drawing of the wings, nest, and bear and the droll roots of the stump.

    Winter Rose remains one of my favorites as well. Look forward to your next drawings and work.

  3. I'm so glad you like it! And you're a fellow Winter Rose fan, wonderful!

  4. Yes, I would say Patricia is a poet's dream. At least this poet. The title alone evokes an entire portion of girlhood passage and psychology, juxtaposing the solemnity of winter with all that raging blossoming we go through. Have you drawn or painted to her work?
